This page is intended to document "functional bugs", and workarounds for them.
- Grimoire cards (and grimoire achievements) are not automatically awarded when you reach rank 5. It may take one more kill, or possibly several more kills.
- The workaround for this is to visit the planetary grimoire page that includes the enemy.
- Some planetary grimoire pages contain enemies that are not currently active.
- In orbit, the game will display "Grimoire (1 left)" if the planetary grimoire includes any inactive grimoire that were not previously completed.
- Some enemies do not appear in the correct planetary grimoire page, some appear on multiple planetary grimoire pages, and a few do not occur on any planet's grimoire.
- Here's a table with the contents of each planet's grimoire page, and a list of enemies that don't appear on any planet's grimoire page.
Earth Devil Captain
Devil Dreg
Devil Servitor
Devil Shank
Devil Splicers
Devil Vandal
Swarm Acolyte
Swarm Knight
Swarm Ogre
Swarm Thrall
Swarm WizardMoon Alak-Hul, the Darkblade
Alzok Däl
Balvog, Shield of Oryx
Banuk, Ur Prince
Dakoor, Yul Prince
Exile Captain
Exile Dreg
Exile Servitor
Exile Shank
Exile Vandal
Eyes of Crota
Garok, Xol Prince
Gornuk Däl
Gulrot, Unclean
Hand of Crota
Heart of Crota
Ir Anûk, Deathsinger
Ir Halak, Deathsinger
Kovik's Monster
Kranox, the Graven
Malgor, the Forsaken
Merok, Eir Prince
Mormu, Xol Spawn
Phogoth, the Untamed
Sardok, Eye of Oryx
Sardon, Fist of Crota
Servant of the Eyes
Servant of the Hand
Servant of the Heart
Servile Ogre
Siphon Witch
Spawn Acolyte
Spawn Knight
Spawn Ogre
Spawn Thrall
Spawn Wizard
Telthor, Unborn
Thalnok, Fanatic of Crota
Thogar, the Forsaken
Ultra Knight
Urrox, Flame Prince
Urzok, the Hated
Wretched Knight
Zyrok DälVenus Hezen Corrective
Hezen Cyclops
Hezen Goblin
Hezen Harpy
Hezen Hobgoblin
Hezen Hydra
Hezen Minotaur
Hezen Protective
Winter Captain
Winter Dreg
Winter Servitor
Winter Shank
Winter VandalMars Legion Centurion
Legion Colossus
Legion Legionary
Legion Phalanx
Legion Psion
Virgo Cyclops
Virgo Goblin
Virgo Harpy
Virgo Hobgoblin
Virgo Hydra
Virgo Minotaur
Wolf Captain1
Wolf Dreg1
Wolf Servitor1
Wolf Shank1
Wolf Vandal11These appear in the planetary grimoire for both Mars and The Black Garden. The Black Garden Consumed Acolyte2
Consumed Captain2
Consumed Centurion2
Consumed Goblin2
Consumed Hobgoblin2
Consumed Knight2
Consumed Minotaur2
Consumed Phalanx2
Consumed Psion2
Consumed Thrall2
Consumed Vandal2
Consumed Wizard
Divisive Cyclops
Divisive Goblin
Divisive Harpy
Divisive Hobgoblin
Divisive Hydra
Divisive Minotaur
Wolf Captain1
Wolf Dreg1
Wolf Servitor1
Wolf Shank1
Wolf Vandal11These appear in the planetary grimoire for both Mars and The Black Garden.
2These appear in the planetary grimoire for both The Black Garden and Saturn.
Saturn Ascendant Acolyte
Ascendant Knight
Ascendant Ogre
Ascendant Shrieker
Ascendant Thrall
Ascendant Wizard
Consumed Acolyte2
Consumed Captain2
Consumed Centurion2
Consumed Goblin2
Consumed Hobgoblin2
Consumed Knight2
Consumed Minotaur2
Consumed Phalanx2
Consumed Psion2
Consumed Thrall2
Consumed Vandal2
Skyburner Centurion
Skyburner Colossus
Skyburner Legionary
Skyburner Phalanx
Skyburner Psion2These appear in the planetary grimoire for both The Black Garden and Saturn. Phobos Blind Legion
Bracus Tha'aurn
Bracus Tho'ourg
Corrupted Acolyte
Corrupted Captain
Corrupted Centurion
Corrupted Goblin
Corrupted Hobgoblin
Corrupted Knight
Corrupted Minotaur
Corrupted Phalanx
Corrupted Psion
Corrupted Thrall
Corrupted Vandal
Corrupted Wizard
Dust Giants
Goliath Tank
Ice Reaper Flayers
Primus Sha'aull
Psion Flayers
Sand Eaters
Siege Dancers
Val Aru'un
Valus Mau'ual
Valus Ta'aurc†
Valus Tlu'urn
Valus Trau'ug†Inactive, and not currently attainable. Mercury Aphix Cyclops
Aphix Goblin
Aphix Harpy
Aphix Hobgoblin
Aphix Hydra
Aphix Minotaur
Eschaton Mind
Imminent Mind
Overmind Minotaur
Primeval Mind
Qodron, Gate Lord
Sekrion, Nexus Mind
Sol Divisive
Sol Progeny
The Black Heart
The Undying Mind
Theosyion, the Restorative Mind
Vekron, the Conductive Mind
Zydron, Gate LordThe High War Baxx, the Gravekeeper
Blighted Descendant
Bracus Horu'usk
Darnu, Horn of Oryx
Driviks, the Chosen
Echo of Oryx
Grayris, Baroness
Irxori, Lost to Oryx
Keksis the Betrayed
Malok, The Pride of Oryx
Morphon, Blighted Mind
Nixis, Hunger of Crota
Noru'usk, Servant of Oryx
Primus Ta'aun
Seditious Mind
Shadow of Oryx
Sho'oulth, Horror of Oryx3†
Sho'oulth, Horror of Oryx3
Stirok, Banner of Oryx
Sylok, the Defiled
Syrok, Word of Oryx
Taken Acolyte
Taken Captain
Taken Centurion
Taken Goblin
Taken Hobgoblin
Taken Knight
Taken Minotaur
Taken Phalanx
Taken Psion
Taken Thrall
Taken Vandal
Taken Wizard
The Warpriest
Vro'ourn, Fist of Oryx3These appear in the planetary grimoire twice. Only the second one seems to be active.
†Inactive, and not currently attainable.
Asteroid Belt Cabal Champions
Fallen Champions
Hive Champions
Taken Champions
Vex ChampionsNO PLANET Aksor, Archon Priest
Atheon, Time's Conflux†
Devil Walker
Draksis, Winter Kell
Farm Sentinel
Kaliks Reborn
Kovik, Splicer Priest
Paskin, King Baron
Perfected Captain
Perfected Dreg
Perfected Servitor
Perfected Shanks
Perfected Vandal
Perfected Walker†
Pilot Servitor
Rahndel, the Perfected
Riksis, Devil Archon
Sepiks Perfected
Sepiks Prime
Skolas, Kell of Kells
Spliced Walker†
Taniks Perfected
Taniks, the Scarred
Vekis, King Baron
War Mech
Yavek, Wolf Baron†Inactive, and not currently attainable.
- Here's a table with the contents of each planet's grimoire page, and a list of enemies that don't appear on any planet's grimoire page.
- The grimoire leaderboard counts enemies that are no longer available. Some were only in A1 and have never appeared in A2 (Atheon), and some were bugged enemies that should never have been part of the grimoire (core boxes)
- For any given score, the grimoire leaderboard ranks in reverse chronological order. Example: if Alice gets to 500 grimoire points today, and Bob gets to 500 grimoire points tomorrow, Bob will be ranked above Alice.